Ed's Priorities
Energy & the Environment
Ed is a national leader on energy and the environment. He is a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, and the Foreign Relations Committee. He is also Chair of the Senate Climate Task Force. These key positions, combined with his more than 40 years of legislative experience, make him a powerful influence on national and international energy policy.
Ed has amassed an unparalleled record of energy legislative achievements.
The principal House author of the 2007 fuel economy law, Ed’s bill will increase fuel economy standards to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. Because of Ed’s law, America won’t have to buy nearly 5 million barrels of oil per day from OPEC – a huge benefit for our national security and our economy.
Ed is the author of the Appliance Efficiency Act of 1987, which stopped the construction of hundreds of coal fired plants.
He is author of the law that established the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve, which ensures that New England families won’t be left in the cold when foreign flashpoints flare or oil prices heat up.
Ed also authored the revolutionary law that requires electricity regulators to open up wholesale electric power markets for the first time.
In 2009, Ed partnered with then-Representative Henry Waxman to write the landmark Waxman-Markey bill. This was the only comprehensive climate legislation ever to pass a chamber of Congress. It gave hope to the world that the United States was serious about addressing climate change, and helped President Obama effectively negotiate with the international community.
The bill slashed global warming emissions 17 percent by 2020, and 80 percent by 2050. Ed authored the renewable electricity standard in the bill that said by 2020, 20 percent of America’s electricity should come from renewable sources.
Recently, Ed introduced legislation that would spur the growth of offshore wind energy in the United States by extending tax credits for this burgeoning renewable industry. The Offshore Wind Incentives for New Development (Offshore WIND) Act would extend the 30 percent Investment Tax Credit for offshore wind through 2025.
Most notably, Ed is the Senate co-author of the Green New Deal with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 10-year mobilization to transform our economy and democracy, all while addressing climate change. It calls for a massive investment in 100 percent clean, renewable, zero-emitting energy; green transportation; and climate-resilient infrastructure, supporting the creation of millions of new jobs.
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