Press Release
Senator Markey Endorses Joe Biden for President
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Today we find ourselves in the midst of an unprecedented health and economic crisis. Nurses are going without protective masks. Patients can’t get tested. Families pray they will be able to make rent.
But Joe Biden was built for tackling crisis. He knows how to get things done. He knows how to win. Now more than ever, we need a leader to heal wounds, a leader who knows how to prevent another pandemic, a leader to implement the just, equitable, and effective solutions families need to be safe, healthy, and prosperous.
We need Joe Biden. I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States.
He and President Obama helped lead us out of the Great Recession, creating jobs, investing in infrastructure, and restoring America’s faith in government.
He was integral to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, giving millions of Americans access to quality health insurance, many for the first time.
His deep, personal commitment to helping find a cure for cancer has led to historic investments in the health and medical research that will save lives and deliver hope to millions of families.
Under Joe Biden’s tenure as Vice President, the United States helped negotiate the Paris climate agreement, and I know he will ensure we re-enter it on his first day as President.
I pledge to partner with him so that the United States reclaims the mantle of global leadership on climate action and unleashes a Green New Deal.
Joe Biden has endured unfathomable personal tragedy, but it has never stopped him from embodying the hopeful and resilient spirit that is the heart of who we are as Americans.
This Election Day, with our very democracy on the line, we need someone who will restore the soul of this nation. That man, that candidate, that leader is Joe Biden.
I am proud to endorse Joe Biden to be our next President of the United States.
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