Press Release
Boston Globe Endorses Ed Markey For U.S. Senate, Says “It’s Urgent to Keep Ed Markey in the Game”
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
BOSTON – The Boston Globe endorsed Senator Ed Markey for re-election today, noting that his leadership is focused “not on nostalgia for America’s past but on securing a better future.”
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, as people across the country have taken to the streets to demand racial justice, the Globe said:
“Markey’s priorities are focused not on nostalgia for America’s past but on securing a better future, whether it’s advocating access to broadband in classrooms, research on gun violence, or curbing the pollution that will change the planet for coming generations. In the protests for racial justice sweeping the country, Markey sees echoes of past social movements, a chance to listen and have the politics of the streets shape the politics on Capitol Hill.
That’s not out of touch; it’s tuned in to what the next generation is demanding. And to do right by them, it’s urgent to keep Ed Markey in the game.”
The endorsement praised Markey for consistently being “ahead of the curve in championing progressive causes,” from nuclear disarmament to fighting the climate crisis:
“Since Edward J. Markey was first elected to Congress in 1976, he’s often been ahead of the curve in championing progressive causes, whether it’s cracking down on insider trading, ensuring consumer access to wireless spectrum technologies, or helping create a broad movement to put a freeze on nuclear arms.”
The Globe lauds Ed Markey’s bold response to the coronavirus pandemic, focused on providing justice for the communities most consequently impacted by the disease:
“He’s pushed the country to think bigger about its response to the pandemic, whether it’s a call to fight the disease with a new kind of Manhattan Project, pushing for larger-scale stimulus, or articulating that this political moment is akin to the conditions that made possible FDR’s New Deal.
In this moment, the country and the Commonwealth need leaders who won’t settle for incremental progress, who recognize the profound underlying conditions of inequality and racial injustice that exacerbate our problems, and who notice that the table is set for transformational change and can help carry it out with legislative proposals.”
Noting Markey’s career-long fight against our climate crisis, the Globe calls him “more prepared than any other politician in US government to fill in the conceptual aspirations of the Green New Deal resolution that he cosponsored with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with practical policies and to get them passed in Congress.”
Read the complete endorsement HERE.
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PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
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